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simchair4:guide_collective_head_b407 [2021/03/29 00:22]
simchair4:guide_collective_head_b407 [2021/04/05 00:19] (current)
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 ===== Assembly manual ===== ===== Assembly manual =====
-1. Solder wires to the hat switch. The ground wire is the top-left (black) wire. Note how it's slightly closer from the center pin than the other one. Check that every direction of the hat works with a multimeter, connect it between the GND pin and each of the other pins.+1. Solder wires to the hat switch. The ground wire is the top-left (black) wire. **Note how it's slightly closer from the center pin than the other one**. Check that every direction of the hat works with a multimeter, connect it between the GND pin and each of the other pins.
 {{:simchair4:img_20200210_013502.jpg?direct&400|}} {{:simchair4:img_20200210_013502.jpg?direct&400|}}
simchair4/guide_collective_head_b407.1616970179.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/03/29 00:22 by hc625ma