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simchair4:guide_compact_coll_head [2019/09/15 17:55]
wikifish created
— (current)
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-====== Compact collective head ====== 
-===== Summary ===== 
-This head is perfect for use with motion platforms, as it can be used without counterweight, or even without the pneumatic mod (although I highly recommend the latter!). Also great as a generic gaming device – its shape allows using it as a throttle lever in single-engine airplanes when mounted to the GUNDE chair onto the Malinda mount at 30 degrees. \\ {{ |}} 
-===== Components ===== 
-  * 4 x MTS-123 or MTS-103 switches 
-  * 2 x PBS-10B2 buttons 
-  * 1 x KY-023 ministick board 
-  * 4 x M3x25mm screws and nuts 
-  * 1 x Arduino Pro Mini 
-===== Downloads ===== 
-[[|STL’s / Sources]] 
-===== Assembly guide ===== 
-1. Assemble the lever as described in the single collective manual, up to the point of installing part 2 of the throttle frame. Install the compact head instead of it: \\ {{}} 
-2. Solder an ISP header to the Pro Mini board. Solder I2C cable to the board as usual. Remove LED from pin 13. \\ {{ |}} 
-3. Put 4 M3x10mm screws into the KY-023 board. Use nyloc nuts as legs for the board. Solder a 5-wire ribbon cable. 
-\\ {{ }} {{ }} 
-4. Solder KY-023 board to Pro Mini like this: 
-GND -> GND next to pin 2 
-5v -> PIN2 
-SW -> PIN3 
-VRx -> A0 
-VRy -> A1 
-5. Install switches and buttons into the lid as shown on the picture below. Use hot glue to fix them in place. 
-{{ }} 
-{{ }} 
-{{ }} 
-6. Solder the ground wire to switches and buttons on the lid. Connect it to the GND pin of the KY board. 
-\\ {{}} 
-7. Solder 2 5-wire cables to switches as shown on picture below: 
-\\ {{}} 
-8. Solder 5-wire cables to Pro Mini as shown on the picture below: 
-\\ {{}} 
-9. Flash the board with its firmware through ISP header. 
-''#define CALIBRATE'' 
-and open the serial console, then check all switches and buttons. If everything works, proceed! 
-10. Put shrink tube onto the Pro Mini board, and insert it into the throttle frame. 
-\\ {{ }} 
-{{ }} 
-{{ }} 
-Congratulations, your compact lever is finished! 
simchair4/guide_compact_coll_head.1568562914.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/15 17:55 by wikifish