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simchair4_modules_list [2019/09/15 13:08]
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-======= Simchair MKIV modules list ======= 
-Here are all of Simchair MKIV modules, some of them are yet to be ported from MKIII version. Please consult with MKIII and MKIV manuals on the site, and feel free to port existing / add new documentation to the wiki. 
-  Modules with MKIII in their name are yet to be ported/upgraded for MKIV hardware line.  
-  MKIII pedals can be used with MKIV software without any issues. 
-===== Build Guides ===== 
-==== Helicopter ==== 
-    * Cyclic 
-      * [[simchair4_guide_cyclic_base|Cyclic base]] 
-      * [[simchair4_guide_b8__cyclic_grip|B8 grip]] 
-    * Collective 
-      * [[simchair4_collective_base|Collective base]] 
-      * Lever bodies 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_single_throttle_coll_body_tactile|Single throttle lever body with tactile idle stop mark]] 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_single_throttle_coll_body_with_latch|Single throttle lever body with physical idle stop latch]] 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_single_throttle_coll_body_for_integrated_heads|Single throttle lever body for integrated heads]] 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_twin_throttle_coll_body|Twin throttle lever body]] 
-      * Switch panels (heads) 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_simple_coll_head|Simple (integrated) collective head]] 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_compact_coll_head|Compact (integrated) collective head]] 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_huey_coll_head|Huey-style collective head]] 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_412_coll_head|Bell412-style collective head]] 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_206_coll_head|Bell206-style collective head]] (planned) 
-      * Pedestals 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_simple_pedestal|Simple pedestal]] 
-        * [[simchair4_guide_vrmaxii_pedestal|VRMaxII pedestal]] 
-      * [[simchair4_guide_heli_thr_quadrant|Helicopter-style throttle quadrant]] 
-      * [[simchair4_guide_pneumatic_mod|Pneumatic mod]] 
-    * Pedals 
-      * [[simchair3_guide_pedals|MKIII pedals]] 
-==== Airplane ==== 
-    * Control stick 
-      * [[simchair4_guide_cyclic_base|Cyclic base]] 
-      * [[simchair4_guide_b8__cyclic_grip|B8 grip]] 
-    * Engine / prop controls 
-      * [[simchair3_guide_cessna_eng_controls|MKIII Cessna-style engine/prop controls panel]] 
-      * [[simchair4_guide_stackable_thr_quadrant|Stackable throttle quadrant]] 
-  * Mounting systems / frames 
-    * IKEA Gunde chair frame 
-      * [[simchair4_guide_ikea_gunde_frame_parts|IKEA Gunde frame parts]] 
-      * [[simchair4_guide_ikea_gunde_malinda_mod|IKEA Gunde Malinda pillows mod]] 
-  * Electronics 
-    * [[simchair4_guide_master_controller|Master controller]] 
-===== Downloads ===== 
-  * [[|Simchair4 3D Models]] - GitHub repository with models to print 
-  * [[|Simchair4 Software]] - GitHub repository with software to flash Arduino with 
-  Please do not use MKIII modules for new builds if MKIV alternative is available! 
-  * [[|Simchair MKIII models repository]] 
-  * [[|Simchair MKIII software repository]] 
simchair4_modules_list.1568545694.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/09/15 13:08 by wikifish