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Donation shop

While it's perfectly possible to build the Simchair from parts and hardware components available at your place, or aliexpress, or eBay, or wherever, if you like what I do and want to support the effort - I ask you to consider buying something from me (or making a donation).

It all started a few years ago as a fun hobby project - basically undocumented and designed in a haste - and would have stayed this way if one guy wouldn't have asked me to make a set for him one day.

I took the challenge, and worked on it to the point where I wouldn't feel shame for being paid for it - and he liked the result. So I started the site, and with time, the project evolved into something much bigger than I ever thought it could be. Since then a quite a few guys helped it to stay afloat, and I was doing my best to design better hardware and software for it.

donor_shop.1568500675.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/09/15 00:37 by hc625ma