While experimenting with adjusting controls sensitivity for different sims, I have found an interesting thing: in fact, the ADS1115 is so precise its values can be used without filtering at a 15-bit resolution! It is rather impressive 32768 points per axis. I can’t say the difference is as huge as between 8 bit and 12, but it depends on the game. For example, while I only felt a marginal difference in DCS and X-plane, it was very noticeable in Arma 3. That’s why I added an ADS1115_RESOLUTION constant to the master controller sketch.
You can set ADS1115 resolution like that:
#define ADS1115_RESOLUTION 15 //from 12 to 15 bits
I am now curious if changing a connection scheme of an ADC to a differential one will give even better results!
You can download an updated .ino file from GitHub.