The new controller features 5 I2C sockets for your peripherals, a stronger USB-B socket for durability, and peripheral flashing mode – no need for FTDI232 USB-UART board any more!
Just plug your device into 1st socket of the master, flip the mode switch to “P”, press the reset button (“R”), and flash it! Flip back to “F” to fly or update the master software.
The device is still stackable if you want some insane number of peripherals, the v2b version will be the regular one without flashing capability, meant for use as secondary controllers.
Look for the assembly/operating manual in the wiki!

Love it!
thanks =)
Hello, nice work.
Can you help-me?
I want to bild a throttler quadrant with 6 analogs imput.
i`m trying to undertand in the videos, but de image is too small to see.
I just want to know what i really need to download.
Hello friend! Sorry for the delayed reply.
It’s possible to build the quadrant with 6 axes, but you will need to tweak the code a bit. At the moment a 2 axis variant is available, you can get its files here:
Should be fairly easy to add more axes, please look into m_hel_quadrant.ino in the master controller code!
Here’s the software repo:
Hello Hc265ma,
First off thank you for all your work on what has been a very busy project during lock down and has kept me my printer and my soldering iron very busy 🙂
I am now at the flashing stage but as I feared am having difficulties and am preparing to do the fault finding stage.
For now can you confirm that once flashed the MKIV master controller v2a will show up as two devices in the controllers panel in windows?
I have two lines showing?
Many thanks and great work
Hi! Thanks for your kind words! Please join Simchair DIY discord channel, I’ll do my best to help debugging stuff =)
It will show as many joysticks as there are uncommented devices in the device definitions tab =)
Hello not sure my first post went through 🙂
I am getting the following errors when flashing the master controller is this normal ?
warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion [-Woverflow]
int CBASE_ADC_RANGE = 0.5 + pow(2, ADS1115_RESOLUTION);
warning: overflow in implicit constant conversion [-Woverflow]
int PEDALS_ADC_RANGE = 0.5 + pow(2, ADS1115_RESOLUTION);
Many thanks
In advance
Sorry, have to use premoderation from new users to avoid spam bots. Those are warnings, that’s normal =)
Perfect and thank you for the reply will sit down and double check my wiring but I think I am getting there
Many thanks
Please join the discord channel (or just pm me) so we can talk in a more direct way =)
Thank you I tried the link for discord but its reporting invite invalid?
I have some more bits to finish up but if I can get onto the discord I will happily feed back my issues …Once i have established that its just not me being thick
thank you again
Try this one:
Perfect I am in many thanks