I have added proper photos to the twin collective assembly manual, it looks really detailed now. You can also use it to build the single throttle lever, as they are very similar. I recommend looking at Peter’s single collective build log as well!
Twin trottle collective improvements
While building the twin lever, I’ve decided to change the design of the throttle 1 frame p2 part to make throttle grips tension equal. The part now has a detent in it, that can also add some rigidness to the lever. If you’re building the twin lever, definitely use the new part! All updates are already on GitHub! I will be adding a similar part for the single throttle collective shortly.
Also made some fixes to AB412 head mods and software (added support for an extra mode switch)
Here’s how the latest version of the lever looks:

Twin collective assembly manual released
The new assembly manual is here! It’s been written right in the process of building the lever, so every smallest step is there to avoid possible issues. Follow it carefully, and you should have no problems assembling the lever!