Guys, a quick question, do you want a standalone USB version of the collective that will work without the master controller?
I see it as a lever for those of us who just want to add a collective to their existing system and the master box with one wire plugged in simply does seem really needed in that case.
This lever might have a USB-B socket on it instead of one of the RJ-45 sockets, this way you will still be able to connect extensions, but if the collective and, say, VRMax pedestal is all you really need, you won’t have extra wires and stuff hanging around.
What do you think? I’d like to hear some feedback in comments. Thanks! =)
Also, please fill the poll, that will help me to understand what devices are needed more than others =)
P.S. please leave a comment if you do so I could understand you’re not a robot.

Hi Alex hope you are safe and well. I would prefer the single usb connection, its a solution that offers a bit more choice if you dont want the extra box.
Hi Stephen! Yup, all well so far, hope you are well too. You mean the USB enabled collective? The problem is for everything else the master is needed for special functions to work (e.g. force trim). But it’s possible to make the collective and its addons standalone by putting a master into the base =)
But adding too much of master functionality to the collective seems wrong to me – what if someone will want to build the fixed-wing version of the controls, we can’t do this with every device, as everything is designed to work as a system so devices intended to work together have to be connected to the master, e.g. when you flip the mode switch on the collective, it affects the base, the switch panel, and the pedestal.
So it’s either a single USB connection for the whole set or 2 USB connections – one for the collective (because it’s probably the most popular device of the set) and one for everything else should one want other peripherals later =)
Anyway, seems like a good option if someone needs a collective to supplement their warthog or smth. Thanks! =)
Btw guys, why didn’t you build pedals?
To me having pedals and cyclic that are trimmed together with a single button like in a real helicopter seems cool. This feature also affects the comfort of flying in a big way.
Is it because you don’t use the trim or use the built-in trim system of the aircraft?
Please let me know, thanks =)
For myself, a standalone USB collective that I can cobble together makes the most sense at this time as that is the one piece I am looking for. I already have the Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS and the TPR pedals, while these things may not give me the complete correct feeling in VR as your entire (albeit amazing) system, it would still make use of the items I have.
Thanks for the feedback, Chris!
Hi a standalone collective would be great. My current mission is to make a KA-50 collective to go with my Warthog and setup. Something I can use on occasion that is simple to pop into my simpit but also to move away when I go back to flying the F16 or Harrier
Hi, thanks for the feedback!
hope you are in good health in this hard times.
I put my 2 cents on the standalone USB collective, for flexible use with other hardwares, as others told it previously.
Also, i read that you’ve planned to rework the pedal’s rocker part, with the 1 piece alu crossing the part. But i haven’t succeeded to find it in the repo. Am i blind
or that isn’t publicated yet?
best regards,
Hi Tom! I am fine, and hope you are too! Thank you for your opinion on the USB collective, will be making it soon =)
Still haven’t upgraded pedals to use MKIV threaded cylinders, but that’s not a huge deal – they are strong as they are! If you need pedals – make them, they are good and precise =)
I haven’t started building my collective yet, but I think I’ll be sticking with the master controller, for now. Although, USB option would definitely be a plus.
PS, Do you have, or have you thought of a Discord channel? I think you could improve both your reach AND feedback from a channel.
Hi! Please join us =) I have the channel, it’s just, I do not advertise it too much to avoid spam and stuff like that.
About the collective, I recommend waiting a week or two and going with the MKIV EVO base with an added throttle mode switch! It can drive twin-throttle helicopters from a single physical grip. If you want a 412-style lever, you can always use it as two additional joystick buttons, e.g. for your battery and inverter. The USB version is almost here, will be test-building the i2c version with bells and whistles right after it =)